CS 8395-03 - Visual Analytics & Machine Learning


All assignments will be completed using Observable notebooks. Links to notebooks will be provided as assignments are posted. In particular, you will need to do the following for completing assignments:

Regarding the latter two points, see the following image for an illustration:

Observable Menu

As shown, upon clicking the ellipsis in the upper right, you will be presented with a set of options. This is where you can choose to Fork an assignment, as well as Download code for submitting the assignment.

Please do not click Publish! This will make your notebook public. I have no other choice but to treat this as the promotion of copying. If you accidentally click Publish, then please back up your assignment, delete it, and fork the original assignment again.

Assignment 1 - Visually exploring the outputs of a deep neural network

Notebook, Potential Designs

Assignment 2 - Birds of the world


Assignment 3 - Generative meowdels
