CS 8395-03 - Visual Analytics & Machine Learning


High-Level Authoring Tools

When you are first gathering/cleaning data and you would like to produce some initial visualizations, I strongly recommend using one of the following tools:

Libraries that support Bespoke Visualizations

The above tools may not be sufficient for creating more complex visualizations that require multiple views and intricate coordination of views. For these ends, please see the following:

D3 Resources

Should you decide to use D3 as your library for visualization, please see the additional resources below for further reference:

SVG Reference

Javascript Basics

D3 Basics

Useful Blocks

In addition, I have a series of lectures on D3 that you might find useful. These are intended for you to download and experiment with on your computer.

Machine Learning Libraries


Here are a set of web-enabled demos for some of the papers we will cover throughout the semester: